Saturday, June 26, 2021

Spring 2021 C&O Canal Bike Trail

 Once back home we settled in and got busy with life.  Our grandson Jaxson turned 5 on the 23rd of February, man time does fly!

  Earlier in Janaury Mark had a bad tooth that got infected and with Covid he couldn't get into the dentist in a timely manner.  The tooth had to be pulled but not before the infection spread into his lungs.  He was one sick guy, during this time he made the decision to shut down his mobile RV business.  He had a good run for 7 years helping out many folks.  So, he retired for the second time.

We closed on the rental home we had built and had a signed 2-year rental agreement 10 days before we closed!!!

Enjoyed a wonderful visit with my fabulous Aunt Ruthie, she is the strongest woman I know, and I love her to the moon and back ❤️.


I have been wanting to do something in the RV to brighten it up some, so I decided to change the fabric on the valances.  It took me 3 days to complete, and we are very happy with the results.


Playing tourist with my girlfriends.

Lunch and a walk along the riverfront in downtown Wilmington with Lori.

Tammy and I did a girl's weekend hiking.

Always a good time with my girlfriends!


Last day at one of my jobs! I have been helping my son Ryan with his bread route 3 days a week. Gotta love a Hussle!

Spent the rest of our time with family and friends before we hit the road again.  One of the A/C's died so we decided to replace both of them.  With our luck if we didn't do both the other one would go out a month later.  

Well, we planned on leaving on May 11th but with the dang gas crisis that plan changed.  Of course the camping reservations had to be changed as well.  

So what's a girl to do but spend a beautiful day riding in Lori’s sporty new convertible with the top down headed to Southport. The thrift stores did not disappoint, and lunch was great.


One last visit with our grandkids, bet they will have grown inches when we see them again.


The Gypsies are finally on the road again🙌. Left Leland NC this morning and arrived in Boydton VA.
A HUGE thank you to our son Ryan for allowing us to stay on his property and for putting up with his parents for 3 winters, we love you 😘. This is the first time I haven't been towing a trailer, my gas mileage should improve!

Had a nice time riding bikes, playing disc golf, visiting my cousin Rick Spencer and my aunt Ruth Allen.

We are back on the road again headed to Charlottesville VA.

Spent the night at the Elks Lodge in Charlottesville Virginia. Headed to Hancock MD in the morning.

We made it to Hancock MD, halfway through the drive we hit rain 🌧 and had to setup in it as well 😩. On the bright side we only had reservations til Friday so I asked again while checking in and the lady told us of one spot and “If you can fit it’s yours”. Of course, we can, Mark can get the rig into any site 💪, it’s a little tight but we are good for the holiday weekend!!!

Today we rode the C&O bike trail along the Potomac River. Preserving America's early transportation history, the C&O Canal began as a dream of passage to Western wealth. Operating for nearly 100 years the canal was a lifeline for communities along the Potomac River as coal, lumber, and agricultural products floated down the waterway to market. Today it endures as a pathway for discovering historical, natural, and recreational treasures. We are standing in front of the Paw Paw Tunnel. It took 12 years and nearly all of the Canal company’s funds to complete the Paw Paw Tunnel. The tunnel was built to save five miles of construction by cutting across a neck of land formed by the Paw Paw bends. What resulted was the most notable landmark on the Canal – at three-fifths of a mile and 5,800,000 bricks in all.

Starting the weekend off right with Mark’s famous wings!

After 2.5 days of rain and cold temperatures we were able to get out and ride 🚴🏻 MD Rails to Trails in the 🌞 from the campground to Hancock. Beautiful day, adult beverages and a 🔥, Happy Memorial Day 🇺🇸. Thank you to all who have served to make our country great!!!

Enjoyed a nice evening by the fire, tomorrow we pullout. 

Spent the night at The Elks in Irwin PA.

Arrived at Mercer PA and scored at huge site at RV Village camping resort. I have family here in PA and Ohio.

We enjoyed our time in Pennsylvania visiting my family. My Aunt June will be 99 on the 22rd of this month and she is sharp as a tack! The Gypsies leave tomorrow headed to Fort Wayne IN.

The Gypsies have arrived safely to Fort Wayne IN. On the road again tomorrow.

377 miles today and we landed at the Elks Lodge in Florissant MO.
Time for adult beverages.

Guess where we are!

You have no idea how huge the Arch is until you see it in person!

The Gypsies left St. Louis this morning and landed in Burlington Iowa at the Moose Lodge. Went to lunch and I always lookup the town we are in to find cool things. Found out about Snake Alley.
Snake Alley is a street located in Burlington, Iowa, which was built in 1894. In 2017, Ripley's Believe It or Not! recognized the street as "Unbelievably Crooked" and the #1 Odd Spot in their Odd Spots Across America Campaign.
Bricks were laid at an angle to allow horses better footing as they descended. Unfortunately, riding horses back up the alley often resulted in a loss of control at the top; for this reason, even to this day, Snake Alley remains a one-way street, with all traffic heading downhill.
The turns on Snake Alley are sharper than San Francisco’s famous Lombard Street, giving it a total of 1100° of turning from end to end, where Lombard Street's straighter curves total only 1000°.

Left the next day and landed at the Elks Lodge in Pleasant Hill, IA.

Enjoy a nice visit with our nephew Jason Williamson and his wife Annie, played some disc golf and will leave tomorrow headed to Sioux Falls SD.

Stopped at a rest stop along the way and they had the information about the Wind Turbines, they really are amazing, and you have no idea how huge they are until you stand next to them.


We enjoyed our time in Sioux Falls playing disc golf, riding bikes and enjoying the downtown area. I must say the bike paths were excellent as well as the parks. The statue Dignity was very impressive, located in Chamberlain.

The Gypsies left Sioux Falls SD this morning and landed at Fischer's Lilly Park in Fort Pierre SD.

Enjoyed a wonderful day at Oahe Downstream Recreation Area playing disc golf along the Missouri River. Went to the State Capital building which was just stunning! Had dinner at Mad Mary’s Steakhouse where Mark ran into his idol. Then walked along Steamboat River park.

Spent another wonderful day in Pierre riding our bikes to Farm Island. So far, the bike paths in South Dakota are fabulous. Left directly from the campground, rode to the island on the Lewis and Clark trail, played disc golf and then had lunch. This is a really nice area, and we would come back for sure. Leaving tomorrow headed to Rapid City.

Leaving tomorrow headed to Rapid City.
                                           As always thanks for following our travels!

                         Stop by my Etsy shop for one of kind handmade sterling silver jewelry.